
This is how Uninstalr looks like. You can call its design philosophy retro. We call it classic.

Uninstalr supports both Dark Mode and Light Mode User Interface. You can switch between them in the settings.

Protip: If you change this website from Light Mode to Dark Mode, or vice versa, you will see these Uninstalr screenshots in the same mode.

Uninstalr Screenshot - Main window

Main Window

The main window shows all installed applications with their installation sizes. You can sort, filter and search through the list.

You can click each screenshot to see a larger version.

Uninstalr Screenshot - Settings


Uninstalr has been designed for you, that is why it supports a wide array of settings. You can customize the software to your liking.

Uninstalr Screenshot - Monitor New Installations

Monitor New Installations

Uninstalr can also be used to monitor all a new software installation and it will show what data the newly installed software has created.

Uninstalr Screenshot - Fix Information

Fix Information

Uninstalr can also be used to fix the typically very inaccurate information about the size of the installed applications in Windows Installed Apps listing.

Uninstalr Screenshot - Leftovers


Uninstalr attempts to automatically detect any leftovers left behind by software you have uninstalled in the past.

Uninstalr Screenshot - Uninstall Preview

Uninstall Preview

Uninstalr will show you exactly what will be removed before starting the uninstallation process. You will decide what is removed and what is not.

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App who?
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