About Uninstalr and about me

What is it called Uninstalr, why does it exist, and who made it?

In the beginning Windows 95 was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. I was a teenager at the time and I had a lot of free time on my hands.

That's when I started to develop a small freeware program called RegCleaner. It was very popular back in the day, and if you have used it, you probably have some gray hair now.

Anyway, I have always been interested in tinkering with Windows and especially about the under the hood processes relating to uninstalling software.

Jouni Flemming

I’m Finnish, so this is, in fact, my happy face.

In 2023 I decided to benchmark how well popular uninstallers perform . When I realized how poorly they performed, I figured I could do better. I mean, how hard could it be?

Turns out, it was very hard. It’s one of those things that seem simple on the surface, but things get very complicated very quickly.

Not only was it a dumb idea to make a new Windows uninstaller from scratch, but since I had already committed to it, I also didn’t want to give up.

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What are you waiting for? Download Uninstalr now. It won’t cook you breakfast but it will make your life easier.

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